Tetrad for Word Processor
A word processor is a computer application or stand-alone computer that is used to prepare, format, save, and get documents ready for printing. The term word processor was invented in the 1960s by IBM (Computer Nostalgia, 2011). In the 1970s, this term applied to typewriters that had higher capabilities than the traditional manual or electric typewriter. This technology made significant popularity when the CRT screen was developed in the mid-70s which allowed the typist to view what was typed. Microsoft Word is the most common word processing system. However, there is free open source competition in the form of Open Office and KWord.
Today’s word processors feature many advances, such as spell check, different fonts, tables, graphs, and clipart to name a few. The traditional typewriter is now considered a relic in most office spaces. Even the often-used “white-out” has joined the ranks of the office dinosaurs.

Tetrad for Word Processor:
Computer Nostalgia. (2011). History of word processors. Computer history: Tracing the History of the Computer. Retrieved January 15, 2011 from http://www.computernostalgia.net/articles/HistoryofWordProcessors.htm
Laureatte Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). McLuhan’s tetrad featuring Dr. David Thornburg [Video program].
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