Sunday, February 20, 2011

Module 6: Making Emerging Technologies Valuable to Others

Module 6: Making Emerging Technologies Valuable to Others
As an advocate for technology in the classroom, I must keep up with new and emerging technologies by reading articles, searching on the internet, and adapting to more and more technologies. In my search for other techie points of view, I found an interesting article by Piquepaille (2008) where he describes a multi-touch smart desk. It resembles a giant iPhone and instead of using a mouse one  manipulates the screen by touch.  The short video that was hyperlinked in the article illustrated how novel ideas can engage students. The author goes on to say that the software will be available soon and probably as open source.
Besides reading and searching the internet, I must also be aware of what technologies kids are using . In an online chat, Gray, Klopfer, and Ash (2009) various attendees mentioned technologies that they feel are up and coming as an educational tool. iPod Touches, cell phones, iTunes, and Web 2.0 were just some of the things mentioned. If kids are using a technology at home or with friends, then that technology is much more likely to succeed in the classroom.
Learning is often by example which is another way to spread the news about the validity of emerging technologies in the classroom. I must use them and share my experiences and ideas with others. My colleagues will then see a real person who has real kids with very real day-to-day challenges using technologies that enhance instruction and learning. Lam (2010) points out the obvious that it’s not enough to have technology in the classroom but it also has to be used. Technology is used to meet the needs of the gifted learner, the slow learner, the speaker of other languages, and the special education student.
How do I affect the attitudes of others towards the use of emerging technologies? I must read strive to do all or most of the following:
•Read articles about new technologies
•Search the internet for new advances in technology
•Be aware of what technologies kids are using
•Lead by example, I must use emerging technologies in the classroom

Gray, L., Klopfer, E., & Ash, K. (2011) Chat: Cutting-edge classroom technology. Retrieved on February 20, 2011 from

Lam, Jamshed. (2010). Technology in the classroom. Retrieved on February 20, 2011 from

Piquepaille, R. (2008). Multi-touch smart desks in the classroom.  Retrieved on February 20, 2011 from

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful suggestions. I will definitely try to follow your lead, especially in being proactive to finding out about emerging technologies. You may want to take a look at for ideas on emerging technology.
